Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Workshop 8 Blog

I put up some new photos that I got developed last week in my classroom. My students immediately noticed that there was new photos taped up to my bookshelf. This led them into a series of 'Good morning' questions about why, and when, and who was in the photos. Then they asked 'Miss L, why do you wear different clothes everyday? Why do you have so many different beautiful earrings?'.

Change. It's all around us. ESPECIALLY when it comes to technology, and where there is technology right behind it is some way to integrate that technology into our classrooms and to make it 'educational' for students and easier for teachers. I'm ALL ABOUT jumping on that bandwagon. As I learn more about technology, it gets easier and easier to both naturally use in the classroom and outside the classroom.

So, here we are at the end of my Technology in Education course. I learned WAY more than I think it is possible to ever apply. I've applied so much of it already. My next big task is to find that 'perfect' balance in my instruction.

• What teaching strategies used during this course compliment integration of technology?

Discussion, collaboration, multi media applications/programs, textbooks with interactive CDs and using the internet are just a few of the ways this class compliments integration of technology.

• How do you personally define technology integration after completing this course?

I personally define technology integration as the process of well balanced use of available technology into the classroom on a daily basis. When we use technology, we become more familiar with how we can use it in different ways. The state that results from using technology in the classroom is that our students are receiving balanced education through a diversity of ways. Technology also allows them to process the information they are constantly learning.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Workshop Seven Blog

Monday, I was using the projector and my computer to watch a media clip for science class about using shadows to help you find directions. We were pausing the video to do discussion about content and to fill in our graphic organisers. As we discussed shadowgrams, and filled in a blank, my students queried me 'Miss L, is shadowgram a compound word?'

Yes! They'd remembered a prior lesson and we're applying the knowledge to a separate situation independently! I was excited. They knew the skill and could apply it.

• Reflect on the skills used as a result of your learning so far that you are applying to promote an effective method of applying
the modern instructional technology and producing instructional media and aids into teaching.

I learned how to use PowerPoint and other presentations in high school and college, but these basic programs have evolved to include so many different applications to the classroom than ever before. I've been able to try some of the ideas given in the class to the classroom with great success. One thing I'm planning to do is use Photo Story 3 as a final project with my students and their publishing part of the writing process. We work through the process of writing a rough draft fiction story on paper, then move to typing up our first drafts on the computer. Once students have typed their final draft I want them to use Photo Story 3 to narrate and illustrate their story.

• What do you expect are the students’ affective outcomes from using these forms of technology?

Well, specifically with using Photo Story 3, I expect them to be able to identify and produce the steps of the writing process from Pre-Writing to Publishing. If you look at the NETs students will be completing Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration and Technology.